You gotta understand, I never expected feeding a baby to be hard or complicated…and “Exclusive Pumping” was definitely not the plan.

As a first-time mom, I actually had low expectations for the whole thing: I figured I’d try breastfeeding, and if that worked, great! If it didn’t, I’d turn to formula.

Or, if breastfeeding felt like it was was “working” physically but wearing on my mental health in any way, I’d also turn to formula.

Point is – as much as I wanted to breastfeed for the health benefits I could pass down to my baby, I knew that if it wasn’t working for any reason, I’d move into formula recognizing that FED IS TRULY BEST.

But, to my great surprise, our “journey” wasn’t so simple, or predictable.

I fell IN LOVE with nursing – it was unexpected and actually the best thing for my mental health! The reasons are irrelevant in today’s post and I’m actually not ready to tell that story just yet, but the fact is, it ABRUPTLY stopped working for us at just about 3 months on the dot. Rather than “just switch to formula” as “planned,” I found myself with a baby who refused to take formula.

That’s why I’m here. Pumping breastmilk for the bottle was the only way my very-decisive-unwilling-to-negotiate daughter would eat.

With any aspect of parenting, it’s impossible to predict what will happen, what circumstance you’ll find yourself in, and what feelings you’ll have at that moment.

I wish I understood the complexities of feeding choices before being forced into them. The stress of feeding my child was one of the most daunting and lonely feelings I’ve ever had. I hope this blog makes you feel more supported and that even if you feel alone—you are most definitely not!

When I started exclusively pumping, I must have muttered “there’s gotta be a BETTER way” to myself 3 million times a day. I was acutely aware of the millions of humans who came before me not only pumping for months on end, but doing so with inflexible work schedules, multiple babies at home, AND no help. Add in the cumbersome apparatus pumping requires – 😅😅😅forget about it!

If you know me, you know I loveeee appliances, gadgets, and trying ANYTHING out that could possibly optimize my life. My kitchen has no empty real estate thanks to this addiction. #kitchenappliancejunkie

So, in “me” fashion, I was ready to go FULL ON Dora the Explorer in this marketplace and find out what’s REALLY GOOD.

I learned pretty quickly that there’s no “one pump” that’s best for every person, nor is there one pump that’s best for every stage of your breastfeeding journey.

At this point, five months in, I’ve dabbled with lotsssss of pumps – and at different stages of my journey (nursing with occasional pump vs. exclusively pumping), there’s been a pump to help me the most.

The timing of when I use each pump IS relevant, as what was “best” for the beginning (when nursing) is different than what is best “now” at five months postpartum.

No matter how I slice it guys, there’s noooo sugar coating this experience – pumping truly SUCKS. Even the most incredible pump will only make pumping slightly less sucky.  

But there are ways to make it more efficient and work better with your life and circumstances. That’s what I’ve found, anyway!

Below is my breakdown of the different pumps so you can understand the differences and pros and cons! I am by no means a lactation consultant (LC) or expert here – but I did link some epic LCs below if you’re in the New York area.

Truth Tea: I’m a brand-new first-time mom, still underwater, desperate for sleep and my life back, but REALLY invested in how pumping can be 10% less miserable.

ALSO! As an exclusive pumper, for the time being, I genuinely believe that FED is best. My daughter is currently getting milk AND formula (what a RELIEF!!). This gives me peace of mind that I can not only build up some stores of BM but also if I want to stop, I can.

Whatever you need to do to support your mental AND physical health, I support, remembering that what is “right” is always changing.

ok, you exclusively pumping beasts—Let’s gooo!


The Pink Spectra aka S2

🤬🤬🤬🤬 This is the WORST, most USELESS Piece of SHT 🤬🤬🤬🤬!!! DO NOT buy this product – do not even take it for free via insurance!! Honestly, you don’t even need to read on to learn why but I’ll explain why I got duped into it and why you should not. Unless of course, you have no other options and at that point, I’d ask you to HIGHLY consider what is going to be best for you.

I used this site to order it through insurance before even knowing what this whole pumping shtick was about. The price was FULLY covered, I was overwhelmed with all the other new mom new baby choices and yay! it was PINK. I like pink! I said to myself as I hit submit and checked one thing off my to-do list. But, as soon as my exclusive pumping journey began, so did my depression, largely in part because of this pump.

There’s nothing worse than pumping for 15-30 minutes while not being able to hold your baby ON TOP of also being PLUGGED into a wall.

Someone from my community compared the experience to feeling like a FARM ANIMAL, and I must say, this is SPOT ON.

I’ve read you can “hack” this into a battery pack to make it portable, but the only person less handy than me is my husband and the word HACK makes me very itchy. If that’s your thing, go for it.

Now that I’ve moved on, I’m lighting my Pink Spectra on 🔥! (Not really. This was a joke. Do not set electronics on fire.)


  • Covered fully by insurance


  • Too many to list

Blue Spectra aka S1

During my meltdown of feeling like the worst mom/farm animal chained to the wall, bestie Abby of @abbysfoodcourt swept in to rescue me and said, “Why don’t you take my Spectra??” I told her I already HAD a Spectra. She replied, “Yeah, but the blue is rechargeable; you can take it with you as you pump.”


I threw Soli into Evan’s arms, sprinted half-dressed to her house, and, well, my life was changed. I felt like a queen ready to run the town! Until I wasn’t.

While the blue Spectra opened my eyes up to the fact that this marketplace is big, and that it’s going to take someone (crazy like me) to find out what the BEST options are and write all about it.

While the Blue Spectra is a BIG step up from the pink (and mostly covered by insurance), it’s still a BIG HEAVYYY BOWLING BALL you LUG around with you. You can’t hold your baby or do anything while using it, but the benefit is if you need to get up, you can! It’s like being a farm animal, but with a bigger cage and longer leash to roam.

You can cut veggies in one place – but try to cut veggies and wash your hands, and all of a sudden, you’re losing the friction on your boobs or getting the cord stuck on something. NOT FUN.

If I HAD to stick with this one, I’d probably buy longer tubing so that I could be MORE mobile. But the heaviness of the pump weighed on my already tired body to the point that even though I was doing better than when I had the pink one, I was still quite MISERABLE.

As it stands, I’m still using this pump in the morning because it’s gentler than my favorite pump (be patient, it’s coming!) – which makes waking up to pump a little easier on my already tired body (and nipples).

While the blue Spectra wasn’t “IT” for me, it opened my eyes up to the fact that this marketplace is big, and that it’s going to take someone (crazy like me) to find out what the BEST options are and write all about it. So, for that, we thank Abby and the blue Spectra.


  • Battery and portable
  • Charge lasts a whole day
  • Mostly covered by insurance


  • Super heavy to carry
  • Loud
  • Short tubing

Baby Buddha

Ah, my bestieeeee! My savior!!! LET FREEDOM BELLS RING!!!!

Ok, not quite FULL FREEDOM – but the best you can get while pumping 6+x a day.

CODE: Lisa10 and buy this immediately if you plan on pumping at all.

It’s still pumping, but I’m pretty sure this pump was designed specifically for moms who are one spilled milk incident away from ripping out their hair (what’s left from their postpartum hair loss, anyway) and calling it quits.

It’s COMPLETELY hands-free. The pump motor itself is lightweight and worn around your neck. Seriously. That’s the ENTIRE thing!!

I’ll be honest, this pump is AGGRESSIVE, which I love. But I’m the type of person who loves the deepest possible tissue massage, and I was hoping this aggressiveness would translate into faster pump times.

Good news: it did, immediately. But I admit, the strength of it shocked me at first. Within a few uses, though, I did get the hang of it and I’m no longer shocked.

I don’t go nearly as high on the settings as possible (it has 14 different modes, 5 for stimulation, 9 for expression), and I’m still getting good results. It has also cut my pump time down by 1/3.


  • HIGH intensity (maybe a con for some)
  • Charge is decent (1x per day)
  • Fantastic responsive customer service (SO IMPRESSED!)
  • Easy to use


  • Expensive–ish
  • Limited size flanges
  • I actually can’t think of another con

Pro Tips

Use modes in reverse – use expression for stimulation and stimulation for expression. The stimulation is ten short pulls and an incredibly long hard last pull. The expression is just continuous pulling. For whatever reason, this works better in reverse, and a lot of times, I don’t even make it over to the stimulation phase because the expression does it all. And again, I rarely make it past level 4 (of 9!).

You get used to the strength, so if the first time really feels crazy, trust me, by time 3 or 4, you’ll feel completely differently.

Note: this comes with 24-inch diameter breast shields, but with the cushion, it’s 21. I recommend you get fitted by a lactation consultant for your perfect size – this will impact your output and the physical health of your nipple! If you’re smaller than a 21, get these from Amazon (note: these are MY size, but get whatever size you need!). I hate hacks, so trust me when I say this is EASY – all you do is put that little piece in the flange and boom, “hacked.”

Wearable Pumps

Elvie Pump

“Silent, wearable electric breast pump. No tubes, no wires, no hassle.”

“Fits in your bra and your life,” they say.

They advertise this WELL, so naturally, I registered for it. I LOVED this thing the few times I made it out of the house in the beginning – keep in mind that I was PRIMARILY nursing. As soon as a few hours went by and my boobs started to fill, I tucked them into my bra (with a coat over) and let it flow. I was not considered so much with saving the milk, or as intensely concerned with my output.

I noticed some leaking if I bent over, but I certainly didn’t panic over it. NOW I SCREAM OVER LOST MILK! It’s quiet, but not quiet enough to use on a Zoom or while out to dinner.

It’s also not COMPLETELY discreet – while there are no wires (which is great), you do look like you’re wearing water balloons in your bra.

There’s also a light at the top which comes through most clothing which feels very silly and like a big oversight.

Read: this is not a “casually pumping at the office while sitting at your desk” pump unless you’re comfortable explaining to co-workers what’s happening.

When I started exclusively pumping, I realized that the Elvie isn’t as intense as my other pumps. This may affect its ability to “totally empty” my boobs (which can affect supply).

Nonetheless, sometimes you need an on-the-go pump– especially as an exclusive pumper. I love to use them while driving, or if I’m out to dinner and really need to get that pump in. I’m going on a vacation soon too and very grateful to bring these with me.

If this is your go-to pump, definitely get a carrier case, and be sure to put your milk in something sealed immediately.

The best part of this pump for me is that it’s gentle! Yes, it takes longer (and may not fully empty) but it’s nice to have a break from holding anything and also just letting it work itself out without the aggressive nipple tug. It has a Bluetooth function to see how much you produce, but this felt a little “too tech” to have so close to my body (I’m mindful of Bluetooth use in general).


  • Wireless + wearable!
  • You can see how much milk you’re making by way of the app (and Bluetooth, which may be a con) 
  • Easy to charge with a USB


  • Makes you look VERY busty + has a light on top (not so discreet)
  • Not as silent as advertised (but decently silent compared to other pumps)
  • Gentle (may affect supply long term)
  • Expensive but worth it if you don’t work from home or have to manage tasks at the same time you pump.

Note: Customer service is helpful but you must have your PROOF OF PURCHASE for replacement problems. If you buy this, do not lose your proof of purchase!

Manual Pumps 


Every mom who’s nursing needs a Haakaa. I shouted praise all about this thing when I was nursing, my only regret is that I DIDN’T USE IT MORE now knowing that my nursing days would be cut short.

The Haakaa is suction placed (gently on the opposite boob the baby is nursing on, and I kid you not, ounces of milk just drop out. It’s not even as “manual” as it sounds as it requires no manual work of your hand to do it. I linked the one with a lid, and TRUST ME, you’ll need it!


  • Well priced (fantasticly priced in my opinion)
  • When I was nursing, I kept a few on hand in different locations, so it was always around
  • Easy to use, no manual effort
  • No “work” to use it
  • Easy to clean


  • I have no use for it as an exclusive pumper

Medela Manual Pump

So many women SWEAR by the manual pump. It’s cheap and easy to find, so when I saw it at Target, I happily snagged it. I’m not sure if my let-down is unusually slow, but I’m not a fan of this for everyday use. It requires all of your hands and so much work to get it out! And it takes just as long! The only time this has come to my rescue was AFTER I PUMPED (let-down happened) but was working out a clogged duct. It was easier to get into the specific place where I had the clog.


  • Cheap + easy to find
  • Great for getting out clogged ducts


  • Not hands–free
  • Annoying to clean with lots of little parts
  • Tiring on the hand

Baby Buddha Manual Pump

As you can see, I have to try ev-er-y-thing (sorrynotsorry). But my love of Baby Buddha made me want to see if they perfected the manual pump as well as their original. It’s still a manual pump, but it’s definitely got its perks with two intensity settings.

You can use code: LISA10 on this product too.


  • Well priced ($39.99)
  • 2 settings for different strengths


  • Still a hand pump, tiring on the hand


Pumping Bra

It’s one size, adjustable, and holds the cups tightly in place.

Warming Massagers

These Lavie ones are awesome. They warm, and vibrate and can also be used if you run into a clogged duct issue. They easily get placed into your bra. It makes pumping go soooo much faster, especially if you have a slow let-down like me. I love to use these in the morning before I even begin pumping.


You want to be warm when pumping, and putting on clothing is a hassle. If you are home a lot, invest in a soft, cozy, lightweight robe to stay warm or cover up when necessary.

Milk Storage: If you’re using milk right away, reusable is the way to go. These from HAAKA are expensive, but they are the best. I much prefer them to the ZipTop ones which can easily open and spill and hold less. If you’re storing milk over time, in the freezer, these are plastic but sturdy. I’m not huge on plastic for environmental and health reasons (plastic chemicals leaking into the milk), but we gotta do what we gotta do as moms. I recommend letting the milk thaw vs. heating in the bag when using frozen bags, and again being mindful of the heat and plastic chemical release that we know very little about.


I also recommend coconut water each day and lots of healthy fats! And LOOOOOTS of water all day long.

If you live in my area (New York, Long Island Specific), check out these three amazing Lactation Consultants:

Sharen Medrano: (347) 306-3595
Like a warm hug, Sharen will set you up with the basics, help you problem-solve, and hold your hand as your journey unfolds. She does home visits.

Carrie Dean: (917) 294-9277
As a massage therapist, Carrie understands body mechanics in a whole other way. She does craniosacral work and takes the clinical assessment and oral anatomy very seriously. She also does home visits.

Laura Moritz: (631) 791-6455.
Works from Long Island at The Nesting Place but does home visits. She is a true expert who brings attention to detail that can’t be matched. Incredibly clinical, kind, understands oral anatomy, and most importantly, supportive.

Before we go, I wanna remind you that YOU WILL SPILL MILK AGAIN, mamas! As annoying as this is, I tell myself this all the time, and each time I “eff up” I’m reminded that it happens, and we REALLY can’t cry over spilled milk. It’s just part of this process!

Hope you benefited from this review – if you learn of any new products or have a different product you’re loving, please share in the comments. We learn together here. <3

all my love,